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Vestry Viewpoint
1. Livestream update: The new cameras for livestreaming our services have been installed and are functioning! One is on the back wall between the organ and the River Road door, the other is midway on the River Road wall. Next to come will be the link to audio.
2. Sports equipment collection: Mimi McGill and Christine Greene are coordinating a gently used sports equipment collection for Camp Hispaniola. Posters will be placed around at various places directing people to bring their equipment to Trinity. Notices will also be placed online. Donations are needed to cover shipping costs, information to donate will be on the flyers.
3. Signage: We are looking into replacing faded road signs around town and adding a sign to the front of the church that is easier to update than the existing sandwich board.
Camp Hispaniola Needs our Help!
Marc Yves-Regis is a longtime parishioner at Trinity who runs two weeks of free summer camp for kids in Haiti and the Dominican Republic each year. This year Trinity is supporting him by organizing a soccer and baseball gear drive. Kids in Haiti love soccer, and in the Dominican Republic, baseball is king.
You can help by spreading the word, donating gear, asking friends and family if they might have gear to donate, or by lending a hand financially to help cover the cost of shipping. Checks can be made payable to Trinity with Camp Hispaniola in the memo, or by clicking on the PayPal link on the website.
Catalyst Quartet at St. John’s Episcopal Church
Friday, April 21st, 7:30 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 679 Farmington Avenue, West Hartford, CT
Miguel Bernal Jiménez: Cuarteto Virreinal
Teresa Careño: String Quartet in B minor
Antônio Carlos Gomes: Sonata para cordas in D major, O Burrico de Pau (The Wooden Donkey)
Hailed by The New York Times at its Carnegie Hall debut as “invariably energetic and finely burnished… playing with earthy vigor,” the Grammy Award-winning Catalyst Quartet was founded by the internationally acclaimed Sphinx Organization in 2010. The ensemble (Karla Donehew Perez, violin; Abi Fayette, violin; Paul Laraia, viola; and Karlos Rodriguez, cello) believes in the unity that can be achieved through music and imagine their programs and projects with this in mind, redefining and reimagining the classical music experience. Read more at

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