Welcoming and Pastoral Care
The Welcoming and Pastoral Care ministry connects with and supports members of the Trinity community, whether they are longtime members or newcomers. During 2021, Trinity members conducted two “caravans” of Church members who went out in pairs to bring cheer, small gifts and a friendly visit to those in our church who chose not to leave their homes during the worst months of the pandemic.
We are seeking parishoners to to occasionally pitch in with pastoral care – to make a phone call, write a note, pay a visit, or prepare and deliver a meal. This is a ministry that truly takes a village. Have the gift of gab? Love nurturing people through cooking or baking? Like to read or have time to jot a few quick notes? Don’t mind weeding a garden or doing minor maintenance? Have just a little time to share? Many skills, interests, and time commitments fit into this ministry.