We invite dedications for Altar Flowers and for the Sanctuary Light from individuals who wish to honor, thank or remember someone in a special way during the year.
Sign-up sheets for Altar Flowers and Sanctuary Light dedications are hanging on the wire “wall” in our Narthex, the large open space outside the Sanctuary. If you are attending the 9:00 a.m. Sunday service, you may take a moment to sign the Flower or Sanctuary Light sign up sheet. While the Sanctuary is open for silent, personal prayer every Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., you are also welcome to sign up for a flower or lamp dedication.
We list dedications in our Weekly Sunday Service Bulletin and publish them in our weekly parish newsletter that is e-mailed every Thursday. We generally accept one dedication per week for Altar Flowers and one for the Sanctuary Light.
The suggested donation for a dedication of Altar Flowers is $50, and $25 for the Sanctuary Light. Please pay by check; leave payment in the dropbox on the Office door. Please make any request at least one week in advance of desired date.
You may also request a dedication by email. Complete the form at right and select the “Submit” button to email the Trinity office with your request.
Request a Dedication
Select the button below to email the Church Office and request a dedication.